How to Declutter the People in your Life


How much stuff do you have going on in your life, home and mind every day?How much of that is due to the people in your life whether in your office, home or social media?Do you think too much about someone liking you (or not liking you)?Do you feel like you have to please everyone all the time?How tired must you feel at the end of the day worrying about others! The worry, stress and fear that is caused by dealing with people in your life can leave you tired, cluttered in mind and ill.In this post, I will be discussing how to Declutter the people in your life as decluttering people can be just as important as decluttering the stuff in your life.First of all let's talk about the people to declutter:

1. Negative People - we have enough engaging our mind with the negative stories in the news. Keeping the negative people in your life will add to the misery. Your mission in decluttering your life is to feel more positive and happy. If people close to you are constantly negative about life, the world and everything, declutter them out of your life (including your Facebook). 

2.  Toxic People - they are different from negative people as they will always try to sabotage your life for no reason whatsoever but to feel better about themselves. The quicker you get rid of them, the sooner that burden on your back will disappear. 

3. Old acquaintances - do you have anything in common with these old school or university friends. Yes you worked together in that call center, but complaining about it 20 years later is incredibly boring and irrelevant to your life. Remove them off out of your life. 

4. People you have never met but accepted on Facebook and/or Linkedin - Why did you accept them? Do you really want these strangers to see details about your life? And if yes, why?? 

Every few months, I will open my friends list on Facebook and Linkedin and delete all the people who I have no connection with any longer. They include the negative, toxic and strangers.On Facebook, if they do not engage with me at all, but seem to be Facebook stalking all the time, I remove them. I find Facebook stalking as creepy as stalking in real life, or worse.  I have also muted a few friends recently due to their smug partners. If they don't notice that I am not engaging on their posts for 6 months, they will also be removed.With Linkedin, if I added the person as I had met them at some point, but can't remember who they are a few months later, they are removed. Yes they may be awesome for my business when the blue moon arrives, but for now they don't have to view my profile and posts.It can be more difficult to remove people from your phone book. I tend to keep the negative, toxic and horrible people in the phone book, so that if they ever do get in touch I can ignore them. These contacts are filed as "Do Not Answer" in my phone book. If they don't get in touch within a year, I can delete them.Since decluttering people in my life and social media, I have felt a weight lift off my shoulders. It does take a lot of determination, willpower and effort, but the positive feelings far outweigh the feelings that person evoked in me.Let me know if you have decluttered people out of your life and what was the outcome.    

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