The 5 Decluttering Principles to Help you Clear the Clutter


 I often receive messages from friends telling me about the new items they have bought to add to their (dare i say it - cluttered) home. I cannot tell my friends to book me to declutter their home (well not often), but I share my 5 favourite decluttering principles to inspire and help them declutter their home (occasionally).Today I want to share these 5 Decluttering Principles with you to help you start the declutter process.

  1. Declutter The Easy Stuff First -By decluttering the easy stuff first, it will inspire you and give you the strength to move onto the harder items that you will need to declutter next. I find the kitchen is the easiest place to start as you have mostly old food, unused pans, bad cutlery and those really bad kitchen gadgets to declutter.

  2. If it comes in, take more out - If you have bought two new dresses from the department store sales this week, did you get rid of items from your wardrobe to make space for these new items? I always say put 1 item in, declutter 2 items out.

  3. Stop the Flow - It is all well and good to declutter, but decluttering is a waste of time, if you keep replacing your old stuff with new things. So ignore the sales and buy less.

  4. Gift Non-Material Items - there are so many ways to gift friends and family especially during Christmas. Instead of buying them a physical item, why not book them an alternative gift such as an experience or adventure. My favourite ideas right now are a cookery class at one of the 5 star hotels and an Aston Martin drive on the Formula 1 track in Abu Dhabi (yes that is a hint).

  5. Don't keep items out of Guilt or Obligation - You should only have items in your home that you love to look at or use. Your friend might have spent a lot of money on that glass vase, but if you have hidden it in your wardrobe, what is the point of keeping it? Declutter those items that you do not like and do not let other people dictate what you should keep in your home. (Yes you can get rid of Grandma's jumpers as well - we don't really need them in this region).

 These 5 principles have helped me to keep my home in order and has also helped some friends as well. Try them out especially during these next few weeks and let me know how these 5 decluttering principles helped you.   

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Media - Mojeh December 2015 - Making Changes


How to Declutter the People in your Life