Wedding Dresses

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It is lovely to have amazing big wedding dresses for the ceremony, but dealing with them later can be taxing for many people. I often help clients to store their wedding dresses in various ways, but clients and followers are now looking for alternative methods to deal with their wedding dress post ceremony.

In this new episode we discuss the various lovely ways to deal with your wedding dress.

To listen to this new episode, press play or find Decluttr Me on your favourite podcast player (and after subscribing) press play there.

Or you can watch Chirag and I talking about weddings dresses on the DeCluttr Me YouTube Channel:

We discuss the following episodes this week:


and links to:

Brides for a Cause
List of Places to Donate in the USA
Cherished Gowns UK

If you need help to declutter and organise your wedding dress, closet and other areas in your home, whether physically or virtually, get in touch by completing the contact form (click on contact us above) and we can book a session for you.

Thanks for listening as always! If you do love what you hear, it would be amazing if you could leave a review.

Thank you so much!



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