Finding Your Identity With Carina Harvey
In this episode of Get Organised with Decluttr Me, I’m joined by Style & Identity Coach Carina Harvey. We discuss her journey from HR to coaching, how personal development connects with style, and the challenges of rediscovering identity after major life changes. Carina shares insights on rebuilding confidence through fashion and how businesses can support employees during identity shifts. Tune in for expert advice on embracing change and redefining your personal style.
Decluttering and Organising Before Your Move
Preparing for a move? Whether you’re renting or buying, moving homes can be stressful, but with the right organisation, it doesn’t have to be. In this episode of Get Organised with Decluttr Me, Shelina shares practical tips on decluttering, packing, and creating a moving checklist to ensure a smooth, stress-free transition into your new home. Tune in for expert advice on moving day preparation!