Returning Online Purchases

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It is the week after Black Friday. The goods have arrived. You may have opened the package (if you haven’t yet, please open it now). You check the item and it doesn’t fit, it’s broken, it’s the wrong item, etc. Sigh. Now you have the ordeal of returning it back.

This episode is for you, if you get to the sigh bit and forget to return the purchase back. A lot of people lose money and gain clutter in their house, due to not returning items they have purchased online. Yes it is a tedious process, but think about the money and clutter! This week’s episode is here to help you get over that hurdle.

To listen to this new episode, press play or find Decluttr Me on your favourite podcast play (and after subscribing) press play there.

Or you can watch Chirag and I talking on the Decluttr Me Youtube Channel:

If you need help to declutter and organise your home post shopping, whether physically or virtually get in touch by completing the contact form (click on contact us above) and we can book a session for you.

Thanks for listening as always!



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