Personal Grooming: Why It Is Important For Your Staff and Brand
Hospitality is a major industry in this region with residents and tourists alike visiting restaurants, hotels and entertainments venues on a daily basis (and sometimes more than once a day). Hospitality is such a professional service, where each and every member of the team must maintain high standards of grooming and hygiene at all times. Unfortunately, whether it is due to lack of training, general education or common sense, these standards do not seem to be upheld in a high number of establishments.I often get asked, what is grooming?It is the process of making yourself neat and attractive. Or it can be considered the things that you do to make yourself and your appearance tidy and pleasant. Grooming involves all aspects of your body including hair, nails, teeth, uniform, make up and overall cleanliness.
DeCluttr Me has recently started a new division providing an organized method on how to maintain high standards of personal grooming (and also etiquette) for restaurants and hotels in the region. The 2 hour training course is a decluttered and organized approach to show the importance of daily personal hygiene rituals, maintenance of uniforms, cleanliness at all times and upholding the brand’s values whenever you are wearing the uniform.Whether you are a restaurant, fast food establishment, 2* budget hotel or 5* conglomerate, your staff need to be aware of how to maintain high personal grooming standards, whilst working for your establishment.If you believe your staff need training on personal grooming and etiquette, contact us here to find out how we can help.
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