The "Stop Doing" List


 I often talk about having a to-do list and have even recommended apps such as Ticktick and Todoist to use to keep your list of to-do's in one place. However, we also need a stop doing list. These are the items you need to stop doing on a daily basis which can increase your clutter and make your more disorganized.Having a simple list of things to stop doing can help you bring order to your life. Here are the items on my stop doing list:1. Desk Space

  • Keeping printer paper on your desk (store it in an allocated place near your printer)

  • Leaving confidential files on your desk

  • Mixing personal and business files together

  • Letting rubbish pile up in your bin

  • Eating at your desk

  • Keeping too many personal mementos on your desk

  • Having more than 2 items in your pending tray.

  • Not clearing your out tray at least once a week.

 2. Emails

  • Not unsubscribing to spam emails.

  • Keeping emails that you have been cc'd in and don't need to keep

  • Storing emails in the inbox rather than filing in subfolders or deleting

  • Keeping more than 10 emails in your inbox at the end of the day

  • Not clearing your out tray at least once a week.

 3. Mail

  • Keeping unopened mail for longer than a day

  • Receiving paper bills rathen e-bills

  • Not shredding or throwing away unwanted mail immediately.

 4. Handbag/Man Bag

  • Keeping receipts in your purse for longer than 24 hours

  • Keeping food items inside your bag

  • Storing used tissues

  • Keeping coins loose in the bag rather than in your purse

 Let me know if this list helps you to stop doing certain activities. If you have a stop doing list already, what items do you have in your list. Share them in the comments box below.     

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