What's Stopping You From Getting Organized?


Do you have a lot of items at home? Are they thrown around everywhere in no logical order? What's stopping you from getting organized?There are many reasons that might be stopping your currently. Here are some of the reasons that I have seen with clients:

1. Lack of TimeLife might be fast paced and busy, but allocate 15-30 minutes every other day in your calendar to review certain sections of your home such as the kitchen (it is the most fun), mail, paper and then the wardrobe. Slowly you will see the change with less clutter and more order.

2. Where to Start?Where are you most frustrated currently? The moving boxes in the empty room? The kitchen? The wardrobe? Wherever you are frustrated start there.

3. You Keep ProcrastinatingProcrastination is a big problem, but once you have a gotten over that hurdle, you will see how easy it is to declutter and organize. I find using a third party with no emotional attachment to yourself like a Professional Organizer, can help you get over the procrastination quickly (plus by paying the Organizer, you know you have to start the process).

4. It costs Money!The reality is, that you save money by being organized.  You don't have to buy expensive storage products to get organized. I tend to use Ikea and Daiso products with clients as they are easy to use and if the client needs more of them later on, they can easily go buy the products. Being organized means you have a place for all your items. You may not need a fancy bowl to store your car keys, but have a set place to get them every day.

5. There is no space! There is a common problem in this region that the architects and builders had this blind belief that all the residents would live like minimalists. I know the wardrobe and kitchen spaces are diabolically bad especially in the new properties; but you can create space by being organised!

Getting rid of the clutter, will open up the space in your home. Once you have designated a place for each item, you will see how much space is free (to not fill up!). Utilizing the space in your home such as the walls can also make a huge difference when storing your items.These are a few of the reasons why you may feel are stopping you from getting organized. What other reasons have you encountered when trying to get organized?If you feel it is time to declutter and get organized, let me know by filling in the contact form here.      

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