5 Simple Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

(copyright Anna Frajtova)

(copyright Anna Frajtova)

Do you feel frustrated every day as you never seem to finish off your work? Wish time would stop so you can get more done? It seems to be a common problem with many people currently in offices around the UAE and Middle East. As much as tech seems to be helping us, sometimes it is the simple, tech free methods, which can help increase your productivity.Here are my favourite ways to be more productive when I work which I wanted to share with you today:

1. Organise your Space Every Morning and Evening

Before you leave for the day, declutter and organise your desk. Get rid of those post it notes with scribbles on them, throw the food wrappers away, etc. In the morning take the papers and files you will need for the day out of the inbox/pending tray and take your equipment out ready to start the day in an organised manner.  Having a clutter free desk, will helo you think clearly and produce better results. Also it will reduce the amount of time you spend searching for items.

2. Create a to-do list

Before you start work on a matter, create a to-do list so you know what you work you need to focus on during the day. If any of the tasks will take less than 2 minutes to complete, complete them straight away rather than adding them to the to-d0 list.

3. Do the most dreaded task first

Instead of procrastinating, get rid of that task first. Getting rid of this task, will make the other tasks on your to-do list less daunting and you will stop being stressed about that dreaded task.

4. Ignore your Emails

(copyright luismolinero)

(copyright luismolinero)

I close my mailbox for an hour or switch off the wifi, to enable me to concentrate on important tasks I need to work on. By switching off your emails, you will stop receiving alerts which can break your focus.

5. Listen to Music

I always listen to music when working (mainly Madonna - I know all the words so it becomes heavenly background music for me). Listening to music, can help you get into your zone and enable you to clear your to-do list faster. It also sends a signal that you do not want to be disturbed!

What do you do to be more productive whilst in the office? I would love to hear your tips.If you need help to be more productive or to help your employees be more productive, contact us and we can create a programme to help you and your team increase productivity and revenue for the business.  

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