The Fear of Being Organized


Every week, I am contacted by a client requesting for our decluttering and organizing session to be postponed or even cancelled.There are various reasons, but the underlying one is normally due to FEAR.

What are these clients afraid of? How can being uncluttered be such a bad thing? Is it hell to be organized?For many of them, by clearing the clutter and being organised, it means they are losing that excuse to move on, to try something new, to step forward. The clutter is their safety blanket; their protection.

Are you in that situation currently - covered in your clutter safety blanket?

When you feel cluttered and insecure in your mind, you will be living in a cluttered environment whether at home or in the office. But in the same way, by removing the broken, unused, unwanted and unnecessary stuff, you will be able to declutter the mind, remove the stress, organize your thoughts and actions and explore new possibilities.

As with any life skill, maintaining an organized life is a learned skill. You may need to practice these decluttering and organizing skills just as you may practice cooking or learning to play the guitar. If you are hiding behind your clutter, think about how happy you are currently. If on the scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the happiest), you are below 5, why not try the decluttering and organizing route?

No need to go extreme, but try organizing for 2 hours first and then build up the pace as you practice being organized.Let me know if you need help with taking the first step out of the clutter safety blanket. Leave a comment in the comment box below or you can complete the contact form here.And if all else fails, maybe this will help...   

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SME World Summit 2015


6 Quick Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Clutter