6 Quick Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Clutter

150316 digital clutter 1

150316 digital clutter 1

150316 computer desktop clutter

150316 computer desktop clutter

 How often do you store your documents now digitally rather than in paper files? Isn't it great being able to find the documents quickly on your computer.   The space once used to file paper documents can be utilised in a more productive way for your employees, or better still, you can rent a smaller unit.However, as convenient as it is to store items digitally, it is very easy to start creating digital clutter.So here are some ideas on how to clear the digital clutter and keep it at bay moving forward

1. Get Rid of Duplicate FilesA great way to start reducing digital clutter is by deleting all duplicate documents. This could apply to music on ITunes and documents with the same name. Run a program like Duplicate Cleaner or Tidy Up to get rid of duplicate versions of the same files. On ITunes you can click on "duplicate files" and then delete the songs.

2. Clear your InboxDo you have over 1000 unread emails in your inbox? Spend a day going through the inbox.  Unsubscribe to any newsletters which you do not read (or never have time to read).Use the acronym FAT to deal with the remaining emails:F - File emails that you need to keep into appropriate foldersA - Act on the email immediately and then either File or Toss (delete it). If you do need time to read the email thoroughly, put it in a "Read Later" folder.T - Toss or Delete the email.Once you have cleaned your mailbox, start creating a system of when you check your inbox. Do not constantly check your email, but allocate times throughout the day to check them. It might be once an hour, mid morning/afternoon or at the end of the day.

3. Create SystemsFirst, rename any folder called "New Folder" or delete them. Also delete any files and folders you don't need or use.Then set up a logical system to access your files whether on your hard drive or on the server. Once you have the system in place, use that system and don't save documents on your desktop.

4. Remove the icons from your DesktopRemove as many icons as you can from the desktop like you would on your desk. Saving on your desktop is a bad habit and can increase your stress levels. Move any files you have saved into the newly created folder or delete it.  A tidy desktop will allow you to focus on your important tasks and will reduce your stress.

5. Delete programmes you do not useHow many programmes downloaded on your computer do you actually use. If you have not used the programme in more than 6 months, delete it. Once you have deleted the programmes, organise the ones left into folders. I have folders for printer, productivity, Microsoft programmes, social media, etc.Do the same exercise for the apps on your smart phone. Also delete the same apps on ITunes/Android programme so that they do not reload back on your phone.

6. Review your Hard Drive/CloudIt is is all well and good to move your unwanted files to your hard drive or cloud, but what is the point of keeping them if you do not use them. Review the hard drive and cloud and if you do not need it or look at it ever, delete it.If you or your company need help to purge unwanted digital clutter and create logical, organised systems , get in touch and we will book a free consultation to find out how we can help

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