Decluttr Session - Bedroom part 2

Before shelves and floor

Before shelves and floor

Before book shelf

Before book shelf

After book shelves

After book shelves

After shelves

After shelves

Further to the declutter session last week (see the part 1 post here), we moved onto the book shelves and floor in the surrounding area.This is what the area looked like before:As you can see there were a lot of boxes and carrier bags with items within it. These were emptied and put into one of three piles:

1. Keep

2. Sell/Donate box

3. Rubbish

Behind the boxes and bags were items that had not been touched for years. They were reviewed and then put into the three piles. We then moved onto the book shelves and went through each section. We left the cassettes and cds for another session.

Once we had cleaned the shelves they were organised into areas for specific matters:The bookshelf on the left was used to hold the art, stationary, educational course paperwork and music. The large bookshelf with cubby holes was organised and books were separated into fiction, non fiction, cookery books, arabic poetry and arabic novels.  We also found several empty note books which were stored in one cubby hole for easy access when needed.We used old shoe boxes and storage boxes to group items such as candles, business cards and unused birthday cards and postcards.One hole was designated with all photos and memorabilia which has to be reviewed at a later date and sorted into a proper manner. The same will apply for the business cards and other miscellaneous items. We have empty spaces within the bookshelves now to move items around to give a less cluttered atmosphere in the room.In one 8 hour session we were able to fill up 8 bags of trash and two boxes of magazines, and fill 2 boxes of items for donation and selling. The next step will be to further organise the area so that it is neat and tidy. We also will need to review the items on the top of the shelves and the areas we were not able to complete this session.If your bedroom is overflowing with clothes, books and other items and you don't know where to start decluttering, why not give us a call and we can help you start the decluttering process. Living in old dust, and feeling claustrophobic with the clutter surrounding you is not healthy for you and your family, so why keep living like that.You can contact us using the form on the right and we will contact you as quickly as possible.

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Decluttr Tip - The Messy desk clean up


Decluttr Tip - Junk drawer