Questions to ask yourself when you declutter

Are you looking at the clutter in your room and wondering where to start. These questions can help you to start reviewing the items.

  • Do I use this item regularly?

  • If no, is it something I love?

  • Do I have multiples of this item?

  • Am I holding onto this broken item to fix it one day?

  • Will I ever go to the tailor to alter this clothing item?

  • Am I keeping this item out of obligation or expectation?

  • Could something else I own do the same job?

  • Could I use this space for something else?

  • Does this fit me?

  • Am I just saving this just in case?

  • Is this item worth the time I spend storing and/or cleaning it?

 I use these questions as a basis when I am with my clients to help them clear the clutter. Let me know if these questions apply to you.

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Organising your Wardrobe


Tip of the Day - Make-up Decluttering