How to Kickstart Your Week with a Decluttered Mind and Space
Start your week right with simple decluttering tips to clear your space and mind. Discover how a clutter-free Monday can boost productivity and set the tone for a successful week.
Could Deinfluencing Change How You Declutter?
Explore how the deinfluencing trend can inspire mindful consumption and help you create a clutter-free, intentional home. Learn about the connection between reducing overconsumption and maintaining a peaceful, organised space.
Gulf News - 6 best ways to move your home office outdoors
Discover creative ways to move your home office outdoors in the UAE! In my recent Gulf News feature, I share insights into setting up a functional outdoor workspace, perfect for enhancing productivity and wellbeing in 2024. Embrace the fresh air and optimise your home setup to work comfortably outside. Read more for inspiration on adapting to the UAE’s unique climate and lifestyle trends.