5 Easy Steps to Reduce your Mind Clutter


 When people think of  clutter, they think of the physical aspect that you can see in front of you. However, people have often accumulated a lot of mind clutter, which can add to their daily clutter burden. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, suffer from insomnia and find it difficult to concentrate, you might be suffering from an overload of mind clutter.Your mind clutter can be managed in several ways. My favourite tips and tricks are as follows: 

1.   Allocate Time to deal with your Mind  ClutterBefore we can start managing your mind clutter, set aside time every day to allow you to sit and clear the clutter in your mind. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, but ensure you allocate that set time every day.For example, In the morning during the week, after I have showered and dressed, I spend 10 minutes looking at my daily schedule, note down ideas, thoughts and to-do's and clear anything else from my mind. 

2.  Write down everythingWhether it is in a diary, a notebook (digital or paper) or in a planner (like the one below gifted to me by Vital Corporate Solutions), write down whatever it is in your mind to clear the space in your head.  By writing it down, you can see the bigger picture of what is happening in your life right now. You might think you have millions of items floating around in your head, when actually it is just 10 items! 

3.  Use digital apps to organize your lifeI use Google Calendar to note down all the activities happening in my life during each day, a to-do list app to note all my chores which i can then tick off as they are completed (Ticktick is my favourite) and Evernote to make notes (see my previous blog post on this app).If you are not comfortable using apps, use a diary, weekly planner and notebook to help you manage the mind clutter. Whichever method you use is fine, as long as you feel comfortable using it, and keep using it.Remember it takes thirty days to build a habit, so you need to use a method (whether digital or paper based) that you will enjoy using until it becomes a habit in your life.

4.  Prioritize your to-do listLooking at your to-do list, determine what are the urgent, non-urgent, necessary and unnecessary tasks for the day. If you cannot deal with an unnecessary task, remove it from your life (either by delegating or deleting it completely).

5. Take a moment to relaxWhether it is by taking a nap, meditating or completing colouring books (I love my wallpaper one!), spend time to just relax and clear your mind.I attend meditation classes every week to ensure that I focus on clearing my mind with other like minded people and then meditate for half an hour on my own every day in the morning (I set my alarm half an hour earlier to meditate).Other ways you can relax and clear your mind are: taking a short walk, going for a massage (we have so many offers every week so it would be a waste not to make the most of them), take a coffee break, etc.As I said above, it takes thirty days to build a habit, so set aside time and have some patience to start clearing the mind clutter. It won't be instantaneous (how long have you held that clutter in your mind?), but by following these steps, you can start managing the clutter in your mind.If you need help to clear the clutter in your life whether in your mind or physical, contact me by completing the contact form (click on the contact us above), to book your session.

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