Have you Lost that Loving Feeling? Remove these 4 Items from your Bedroom Today!


 How is your love life? This may be a bit of an intimate question, but I'm asking seriously. Do you find it is being hindered by stepping on Lego pieces on your bedroom floor, or tripping on dirty laundry, or being drowned out by the television. If this all seems applicable to you then check out my tips to find that loving feeling in your bedroom.

  1. Remove the toys - Nothing can break the romantic zen than hearing toy fire truck sirens, or stepping on Lego (ouch!). One room in your house has to be a sanctuary for you and your partner so remove the toys (and those toy cupboards) and make this room for parents only.

  2. Switch the Television off - not only is it considered bad feng shui, but it can be a distraction from sharing time with each other. Leave the television in your lounge area and if possible your phones and make this a non electronic zone.

  3. Pick up the items on the floor - clutter on the floor is not only a health and safety issue but also an eye sore. From a feng shui perspective it can also attract more negativity in your life. So put your laundry in the laundry basket and hang your towel in the bathroom. Have a place for everything you own away from the floor.

  4. Leave the paper out of the room - receipts, bills, work papers, school papers, etc should all be left in the office, kitchen or lounge. Do not bring anything into your bedroom as it can accumulate into clutter and can be a romance killler (bills - romantic? Nope).

 Start with these few steps and then start removing other items which may be a romance killer. Over time you can create a relaxing and romantic environment for your and your partner.If you need help to bring the romance back into your bedroom, contact me to book your first session. 

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