5 Simple & Easy Ways You can Improve your Relationships

5 Simple & Easy Ways to Improve Your Relationships Many of my clients contact me with a desire to shed their clutter so that they can be organized and free from stuff in their lives. Often whilst working with the clients, I find that the clutter that has accumulated in their lives has created tension in their relationships, whether it be their partner, children, parents or friends.  Many times I have had family members or friends make quite cutting remarks about the clutter and disbelief that the client is trying to clear it finally.It may be hard to believe, but here are some major ways that clutter can affect your relationships in a negative way:

  • Clutter can be a physical and mental barrier to connecting with those you love. Not only are you building a physical wall around yourself, but an emotional wall as well, which will prevent people coming near you.
  • Clutter can sap your energy, which is energy which should be used in your relationship.
  • Clutter can prevent your from allowing guests into your home. You feel embarrassed to let them see how you live. If there is a last minute request to visit, it will take too much energy and time to clear the clutter from their eyesight.
  • You cannot relax surrounded by the clutter. The clutter creates tension and stress in the room; so instead of feeling love, you have negative emotions swirling around the room.
  • Clutter is a barrier to intimacy. When have you ever felt romantic in a cluttered room? Moving clothes and stuff off the bed to make room to be intimate can be a romance killer.
  • Clutter causes arguments. The tension which can escalate day after day, can lead to an increase in arguments. Some couples start prolonging their journey home to avoid the clutter and arguments that will come once they enter the home.
  • Clutter creates the blame & shame game. Whether it is one party or both, blaming and shaming each other can only bring more negative emotions into the home.
  • Clutter is a drain on your finances. If you have too much stuff, it is due to too much shopping which can be a drain on your finances.  Also if one partner or both are excessively shopping, it can lead to deception as they will lie about their purchases. So not only is your home filled with tension, but also deceit about each new item that comes into the home.
  • Clutter seems more important than the relationship. How many times, have you felt that the stuff is more important that you, as the person accumulating the clutter won't get rid of it despite you asking them to?

It might seem like a never ending spiral of negative emotions, but there are ways to reverse the effects of clutter and to improve your relationships. Here are my 5 Simple and Easy Ways to improve your relationships today. 

  1. Start clearing small areas together. Usually I recommend starting with the coffee table in the lounge and then moving onto other areas in the lounge. Then move onto the bedroom. Spending 15 minutes a day to clear clutter from small areas will dramatically decrease the clutter within a month.
  2. Put a box in a room and put your things (never your partner's stuff) that you no longer like, use, wear or is broken into the box. I have the box next to my wardrobe and throw clothes I no longer love, can fit into or are a broken into that box. Once full, take the box of stuff to one of the many charities in your area.
  3. Remove the guilt and excuses. It doesn't matter how much you paid for the item, if it is not used, ditch it. If you are keeping onto magazines because of that one recipe you have never tried, ditch it. You can always google the recipe.
  4. Make your Bedroom your Sacred Place. Remove the desk, exercise equipment, stuff under the bed (you stop the flow of energy around your bed with that stuff). Also clear the items off the bed and the floor and put them back in their place. Remember there should be a place for everything and your floor and bed is not the place for clothes, books, etc.
  5. Stop blaming each other! 

 Start creating a solid foundation for yourself, your family and your friends. You will start feeling energised and have a weight lifted off your shoulders as you start removing the clutter from your life and relationships.If you need help to declutter and improve your relationships, contact DeCluttr Me and we can help you and your loved ones remove the clutter and to feel more positive in your relationships.  Shelina Jokhiya     [twitter-follow username="decluttrme" scheme="dark"] 

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