Organize Your Life With These 8 Tips


 Being disorganised seems to be an ongoing battle for many people. Despite trying to clear the mess, it seems to get worse and worse. There are many tips out there which can help but first you need to decide if you need the help.

  1. Are you late for appointments often.

  2. Are your clothes lying around everywhere.

  3. Do you have unopened emails constantly in your inbox.

  4. Do you pick up your rubbish?

  5. Are you forgetful?

  6. Do you do to-do lists?

  7. Are you stressed often?

  8. Do you feel out of control on a daily basis?

  9. Do you feel tired all the time?

If you answered yes to these questions, then it is time to get help. There is no shame in admitting you need help and that you want to seek a remedy.The more you postpone dealing with being disorganised, the more you will experience a debilitating cascade of events such as stress due to being late constantly. The one thing to bear in mind is that like dominoes, one disorganized aspect of your life can lead to others.However, there is a way to start changing the movement of the dominoes. Organize your life with these 8 Tips, employing them on a daily basis to help you alleviate the stress, fatigue and get you on the path to being organised:

  1. Set Your Alarm 15 minutes Early - This will mean that you arrive to your appointment 15 minutes earlier than planned. If you are too early, sit in the car or on a bench, read a book, play a game on your phone and relax until the appointment time.

  2. Have a To-Do List - Either use an app such as Ticktick or Todoist or keep a notebook with you at all times to make a note of important items you need to accomplish such as calling someone. Tick them off when complete.

  3. Automate Bill Payments - Set up direct debits and auto payments for your credit card with your banks and suppliers. This will ensure that you are not stressed from forgetting to pay bills and also do not pay late payment fees.

  4. Improve Your Sleep - have a good pre bed routine, remove the clutter from your bed permanently, have a soothing bath bed, no caffeine or sugar at least 5 hours before you plan to sleep.

  5. Exercise 3 times a week - The exercise will remove the lethargy from your body and make you feel motivated (plus you will loose weight).

  6. Schedule Alone Time - Whether it is 10 minutes or a few hours, spend time on your own to collect your thoughts and do something that makes you happy.

  7. Hire a Professional Organizer - by booking a professional organizer we can ensure that your clutter is removed quickly like a plaster (or a wax strip), with a little burst of pain.

  8. Forgive yourself - If you fall, learn to forgive yourself and get up again. Do not feel sorry for yourself. :)


 Hopefully this will inspire you to organize your life today. If you would like to book a oragnizing session with myself, use the contact form here. Take care 

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