How to Declutter and Organise the People on Your Social Media


Decluttering is often thought of as removing physical clutter, but it can also include digital clutter. Your contacts, friends and colleagues on social media and apps can become digital clutter if not reviewed periodically.If you spend some time and get rid of the digital contact clutter in your life that is not adding anything positive to you, then you make space for abundance and other awesome opportunities to come to you.Since I started Decluttr Me, I have discovered who are the good friends and acquaintances in my life and who I should remove real and digital life. I recall removing one "friend" from my life who was purposefully being negative about my business on social media. As soon I removed her from my social media, the negativity stopped!Do you have friends and contacts who are making you feel overburdened?Today I am going to give you tips on how to declutter your social media accounts and remove the toxic people in your life.  Are you ready?  Here’s what to do.

1. Facebook I recently went from 500 friends to 200 in one evening by culling a lot of inactive or negative friends in my life. I felt a great weight lifted off my shoulders and I don't think they even noticed!My personal Facebook page is my one personal space in social media to interact as myself. I do get a lot of friend requests from clients, acquaintances and people I have met once at a networking event! Unfortunately, if you do not accept these requests, people can get very offended, but I have to remind myself that it is my personal account and I should not be guilted into accepting people to see my Facebook profile.Go through your friends and see who you interact with on a regular basis. Ask yourself these questions:a. If neither of you interact with each other (that could be due to them muting you...), why are you friends?b. Do you see posts from friends which make your heart sink or are negative continuously?c. Do you want your clients or acquaintances to see your personal posts on cats, funny articles from Buzzfeed and political views on the Middle East?d. Are these friends "toxic" in your life whether virtually or in real life?Unfriend these "friends" and make space for the awesome friends in your life who you want to share your life with.I also go through the Groups and Pages I have liked on both my personal and Business Page every month and unlike any pages that are inactive or are not providing information that I find useful.

2. Twitter - Look through the list of people you follow. If you don't like their tweets, don't interact with them, or are inactive, unfollow them. By unfollowing some tweeps, you allow your timeline to be filled with tweets that you actually want to read.With regards to my @Decluttrme account, I tend to follow most tweeps back as a thank you for following me, plus I find a lot of the followers tweets are helpful for my business.I use Manage Flitter to remove the tweeps who are inactive and Who Unfollowed Me, once a month to remove tweeps who I have been following but have unfollowed me.

3. Linkedin - I attend a lot of networking events and meet people who have no desire to have a quality moment with me. Those same people are generally the ones who will send a Linkedin request to me within 5 minutes of meeting. Why do you want to interact with me when you had no desire to talk to me face to face?I have now set up a rule to not accept Linkedin requests unless I have met the person face to face and had a proper conversation with them. The exception is when I have interacted with people on Twitter or other social media platforms and built a relationship with them in relation to my business.I cull my connection list every six months. If I cannot recall the connection, find their posts negative, or have found that they are toxic people in the real world, then they are removed. By culling the connections, I ensure I am connected to people who I want to do business with or pass referrals to.

4.  Instagram - On my personal account, I follow friends or posters who provide funny or beautiful photos. I tend not to follow back just because people have followed me as I want my timeline to be full of photos I want to see.However, with regards to my business account for @DecluttrMe, I follow back anyone who follows me (as long as it is not a locked account or a dodgy account). I want to show my appreciation to them for following me, plus they have some great photos.I use Friend or Follow to unfollow instagrammers who are not following me.

5. WhatsApp - Although Whatsapp is not social media per se, it is a great app to enable you to stay connected with friends, family members and networks, but it can get overwhelming when you are bombarded with continuous messages.I have discovered that you can mute Groups on your iPhone. This means that I cannot see the messages from Groups, unless I have gone into Whatsapp (it also means you suddenly see you have 60 messages!).As Whatsapp is free, unlike SMS, a lot of people like sending separate messages for each sentence in their conversation, which means you will receive a notification every second whilst they are having a conversation with you. With close friends, I  ask them to put the whole message in one bubble - for example"Hi""How are you""Do you want to go out for dinner tonight"

Is now "Hi, how are you? Do you want to out for dinner tonight"1 bubble, 1 notification!If the sender cannot send messages in 1 bubble, I mute them and then respond if I go into Whatsapp. What other ways can you think of to declutter your social media?   

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