Tidy Office, Tidy Mind

modern office

modern office

Do you see a colleagues messy desk and think they have a cluttered mind? A study by Office Team interviewing HR mangers agreed with this adage.HR managers were asked, "How does the neatness of an employee's desk or office affect your perception of that person's level of professionalism?".Their responses:

Greatly affects it


Somewhat affects it


Does not affect it at all



Generic Medical Record Folder

Generic Medical Record Folder

 The view was that a messy desk can leave a bad impression on your colleagues. Also having an untidy desk can reduce productivity and make it harder to find materials you need.Having a clean desk won’t get you a promotion but it will help increase your productivity, which will be considered a positive in your performance appraisal.Tips were provided to organise your desk more efficiently which are great to help boost your productivity and find items on your desk: 

  1. Sit in your visitor chair to get a perspective on what others see when entering your cubicle or office. Clean your workspace so it's visually appealing not only to you but also to your guests.

  2. From the start, establish an organization system that suits your style. You can always rearrange items later, but this will prevent things from getting out of hand early on.

  3. File, don't pile. Eliminate clutter by organising paperwork in vertical or tickler files. Clearly label or color-code documents so you can find them more easily.

  4. Don't touch the same piece of paper more than once without filing, recycling or tossing it, or passing it along to the next person.

  5. Keep only the materials needed for your current project on your desk, and clear these items after the assignment is completed.

  6. Store supplies you need close at hand, and move things that are used less frequently out of the way.

  7. Print documents only when necessary and go paperless. Electronic calendars, task lists or e-mail alerts can help you remember deadlines, appointments and meetings.

  8. Take a few minutes before lunch and again just before leaving the office to clear your workspace.

  9. At the end of each day, prioritize the tasks on your to-do list so you can hit the ground running the next morning.

  10. Any papers left at the end of the day should be filed away in your inbox filing tray or desk.

If you feel your office needs to be organised, contact us using this form, and we can help transfer your office into a happier, productive environment.   

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