3 Top Organizing Tips for Working Mothers


Do you find you seem to have no time in the day to do what you are meant to do? Do you find you are firefighting issues at home from the moment you wake up to the time you collapse in your bed? Here are some new organizing tips to make your day easier and give you more time to do the fun things in life:

1.  Put Kids to Bed in Fresh Clothes

(Image courtsey of Amazingeats.co.uk)

(Image courtsey of Amazingeats.co.uk)

This tip for your morning actually starts the night before, when you can put your kids to bed in their clothes, after their bath. Also if you want to work out in the morning, why not wear your workout clothes so you can jump out of bed and start the workout

2.  Tips to Create a Hassle-Free Lunch

Prepare the lunch the night before. Why not use the leftover dinner for your kid’s lunch? You can put it directly into their lunch box after you have you finished dinner. Also make the same lunch for everyone. It will save you time and money. 

3.  Organizing Tips for Paper Clutter

A household with children seems to create paper clutter out of thin air. Use this acronym to deal with paper as soon as it comes through your door

F – File - If that document is important file it immediately

A – Act – Deal with the matter straight away or hand it over to someone (like your husband) to act on it immediately. If there is an activity or date on it, note it in your weekly planner straight away (you can buy the 2015 Weekly Planner at the Decluttr Me Shop – www.decluttrme.com/shop).

T – Trash – If you don’t need it, throw it away.Scan and store your children’s artwork on an electronic picture frame. All the artwork will be in one place and you won’t need to keep all the paper.What tips do you have for being organized with your kids?If you need help to organize your home contact us by completing the form here.   

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5 Ways to Declutter your Home


Media – Good Magazine January 2015