New Year - Fresh Start To Getting Organized


This week I have been thinking about New Year resolutions. I am not a fan of making resolutions as it adds unncessary pressure to my life and I always feel guilty when if I fail miserably.Instead I like coming up with “ideas” on how to change my life. On that basis I have come up with a few ideas on how to help you get decluttered and organized this new year.

1. Downsize your wardrobe.Chances are your closet and drawers are filled with clothing you haven’t worn in years or simply forgot about. Conquer the clutter by first getting rid of all of the clothes and shoes you don’t wear anymore. Select the ones you haven’t worn for over a year, are torn and broken or just don’t fit. Sell them for extra cash or donate them to people who will make good use of them.

2. Downsize everything else.Make an effort to throw away, donate, or sell everything else in your home that you don’t need. This could mean miscellaneous items stashed under your bed, things stored in boxes inside your garage and store room, old toys your kids haven’t played with in years, and anything else hiding in your home.

3. Learn to live with less.Getting rid of excess clutter is not an excuse to replace it with more. It’s important to learn to live with less after you’ve cleared out your home so you can maintain more order in your home. Just because the sales have started, don’t use this as a reason to buy more stuff. Just because it is cheaper doesn’t mean you have to add it to your clutter pile at home.

4. Make smarter purchases.Cut down the clutter by avoiding unnecessary purchases. Try to only buy something if you need it to replace something else. Some people follow the “buy something, throw something out” rule; consider this as a mantra to live by.

5. Plan ahead.Almost all of us have the bad habit of coming home with more things than intended after a shopping trip. To avoid this, make a shopping list. But most important, stick to it! This will reduce unnecessary clutter and save you money in the long run.

6. Stay organized. Make sure everything in your home has a place. Giving designated areas for your belongings can help keep your home clean and clear of clutter. Use storage bins, containers, and labels to help you stay organized. You can great items from Ikea (such as the Samla box below) and Daiso.If you feel lost starting the decluttering and organizing process why not hire Decluttr Me for our 2 hour taster session or our full day session. We can help you start the process and motivate you to stay organized moving forward. To find out more click the contact us button and we will be in touch shortly.

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