Organise your Recipe Cards Online!



Do you have lots of recipe cards that you pick up from the supermarkets, cookery demonstrations and tear out of magazines? Are they lying in a pile on your desk ready to be organised?Well today we are focusing on how to organise those cards so that you keep the ones that you love and discard the rest.Keeping all these bits and pieces organised is tough, but using one program you can ensure that all your favourite recipes are kept together in one safe place. If you are a regular reader you will know about my love of Evernote. It allows you to create notebooks for different parts of your life and syncs on all your devices. The program runs these items through their "recognition technology" to create search profiles and find key words.You will need the following:

1. Download the Evernote App on your laptop and mobile phones.

2. Scanner

3. Recipe cards you have collected over time.

4. An afternoon.

5. Cup of tea. 

Once you have downloaded Evernote, create a notebook just for your Recipes.Review all the recipes you have and keep the ones that you know you will use.Although the recipe may look lovely, if it is difficult to make or difficult to source the ingredients (a common problem here but getting better) then it is not worth keeping it.Try and find the recipes you want to keep online. If they are online, there is normally an option on the site to download the recipe. You can download straight into your Evernote notebook. If that option is not available, copy and paste the recipe and create a new note for this recipe in Evernote.If there is no online recipe, scan the recipe and save it as a new note in your Evernote Notebook.Once completed, throw the paper recipes into the recycle bin.Now you can access the recipes any time on your phone, tablet or computer. I usually use my IPad in the Kitchen to access the recipe I am using. How do you organise your recipes? Send us your methods and we could post them on our social media pages :). 

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