Starting up
Last week was a washout due to a major deal I was involved in at work. When I had a chance I started my twitter account for Decluttr Me and started to get followers. Spurred on by this I was able to get their views on the logo I had purchased for $5. The general consensus was that the 3 choices didn't suit the concept. Luckily a very creative friend (Ashraf Ghori) offered to create a logo in half an hour. This was greeted with a few tears from me and mostly likes from followers and friends. Hence the new logo which you can see on the site.
On the weekend recovering from the lack of sleep week I finally created the Facebook page and organised the site that you are now on. I am not sure about the tweets going to the facebook page but i haven't had an negative feedback yet.The site is a bit plain right now and friends have offered to help for a fee. I think I may go with one suggestion. I had advertised the need for a web designer on which has resulted in lots of offers but the price range is between $700-1000 which is way too much right now for me. I just need to spruce up the site.
Due to connecting to people now on the three platforms I am starting to get interested parties querying about the company. My first client is booked for this weekend to assess what work needs to be done which is scary and exciting. The client is a friend and small business owner as well so it will be good to chat to her about her experience and also hopefully help her to decluttr.
New dilemma as well is whether I should try to do this full time or as a weekend venture for a while. My heart wants to be full on in decluttr me but money will be an issue. To go from a corporate lawyer salary to not very much will be a big step down. Do I risk it or take the plunge? It's something I have to evaluate in the next few weeks.
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